Andrei Kuznetsov


Scopus ID: 57204553816


Research interests: science and technology studies, actor-network theory, mobilities research, history and theory of sociology



Andrei Kuznetsov is a Russian researcher and educator in the field of sociology. His research interests are science and technology studies (STS), actor-network theory (ANT), mobilities research, history and theory of sociology. He received a Candidate of Science degree in Sociology from Volgograd State University. From 2005 to 2019, he worked in the Department of Sociology at the same institution, where he taught a variety of courses in sociology and was a principal investigator in several research projects on mobilities and urban transport technologies. From 2014 to 2019 Andrei was a Senior Research Fellow at the Research Centre for Policy Analysis and Studies of Technologies (PAST-Centre) at Tomsk State University. There he helped to launch a new Master’s Program ‘Innovations & Society: Science, Technologies, Medicine’ based on the principles of problem-based learning. From 2019 to 2022 he was Associate Professor at ITMO University where he supervised the Master’s Program “Science and Technology in Society”, a double degree program in collaboration with the European University at Saint-Petersburg. And from 2019 to 2023 Andrei was a Research Fellow at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies at European University at Saint Petersburg. He is the author of the ViaText project – an online environment for advanced reading for research.

Andrei published numerous papers on ANT, STS, and urban mobilities. His latest works cover a wide range of topics such as self-driving cars, urban participation, sociology of scientific knowledge, technological accidents, and the heritage of Bruno Latour. Andrei loves chaotic hardcore and metalcore music and plays the guitar.

Kuznetsov A. ‘Vivit-uary. How to Inherit Bruno Latour?’, Forum for Anthropology and Culture, 2022, no. 18, pp. 11–20.

Kuznetsov A.G., Pochukaev D.A. From Regulation To Mediation: The Ecology Of Normativities In An Urban Participatory Budgeting Project. Urban Studies and Practices, 2022, vol. 7, no 3, pp. 15–38. (in Russian)

Kuznetsov A.G. Symmetrical Anthropology Of Technologies: From Cultures To Collectives Of Mobilities In The Description Of “Self-Driving Cars”. Etnograficeskoe Obozrenie, 2022, no.1, pp. 9–29. (in Russian)

Kuznetsov A.G. Perception and Observation in the Strong Program in the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge. Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2022, No 2, pp. 183-200. (in Russian)

Kuznetsov A.G., Rudenko N.I. How to explain technological accidents? The “HumanFactor”, Social Constructivism, and the Ontological Turn in Exploring the Uncertainties of AutonomousVehicles. Sociology of Power, 2021, no. 4, pp. 119–146. (in Russian)

Kuznetsov A.G. Sociology or Psychology? On Conceptual Architecture of David Bloor’s Strong Programme in Sociology of Scientific Knowledge. Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, Volume 57, Issue 3, 2020, 105–125. (in Russian)

Kuznetsov A.G. Neural Network Nebulae: ‘Black Boxes’ Of Technologies And Object-Lessons From The Opacities Of Algorithms. Sociology of Power, Vol. 32, Issue 2, 2020, 157–182. (in Russian)

Kuznetsov A.G. Changed but Undescribed? What STS Could Say on the Research Practices of Social Sciences. EASST Review. 2019. vol. 38. n. 1.

Kuznetsov A.G. Latour’s Method: Semiotics Between Literature and Science. Logos (Russian Federation), 2018, 28(5), 85-112. (in Russian)

Vozyanov A., Kuznetsov A.G., Laktyukhina E. Submobilities, or On the Multiple Modes of Movement in the City. Etnograficeskoe Obozrenie, 2017(6), 30-43. (co-authored with) (in Russian)

Kuznetsov A.G. Towards the Anthropology of the ‘Near’ in the City: Places, Non-places, Mobilities. Etnograficeskoe Obozrenie, 2017(6), 5-13 (in Russian)

Kuznetsov A. (De)mobilizing the (STS) facts. EASST Review. 2017. vol. 36. n. 1.

Kuznetsov A.G. Cosmopolitics of Implicit Innovations in Urban Mobilities: Flexibility, Uncertainty, Infrastructure in: Sokolovskiy S.V. (Ed) Russian Anthropology and ‘Ontological Turn’. Moscow, 2016, 257–295. (in Russian)

Kuznetsov A.G. Transport Mediations: Machine Forms and Human Materials. Etnograficeskoe Obozrenie, 2016(5), 40-52. (in Russian)

Kuznetsov A.G. Latour And His ‘Technologist’: Things, Objects And Technology In Actor-Network Theory. Sociology of Power. 2015(1), 55–89. (in Russian)

Kuznetsov A.G. The House that Annemarie Mol Built. The Architecture of Research After the Actor-Network Theory. The Journal of Social Policy Studies. 2014(3), 474–481. (in Russian)

Kuznetsov A.G. Marshrutki At The Crossroads Of Regimes Of Justification. Sociology of Power. 2012(6-7), 137–149. (Co-authored with Lyudmila Shaytanova) (in Russian)

Latour B. Politics of Explanation. Sociology of Power. 2012(8), 137–149. (Translation in Russian and commentary)

Latour B. Turning Around Politics. Sociology of Power. 2012(6-7), 235-254. (Translation in Russian, commentary, and foreword)

Latour B. Woolgar S. An Anthropologist Visits The Laboratory (Laboratory Life. Chapter 2). Sociology of Power. 2012(6-7), 178–234. (Translation in Russian, commentary)

Baecker D. Why Systems? Sociology of Power. 2012(6-7), 255–274. (Translation in Russian, commentary, and foreword)

2020-2023– Self-Driving Cars and Society: Interaction of Technologies, Socioeconomic Scenarios, and Regulation Within The Radical Innovation (Russian Scientific Foundation project no. 20-78-10106). – Co-investigator.

2020-2021ViATexT: Online Tool for Visualization and Analysis of Texts in (Sociological) Theory. Project for the development of human reading assistance system for complex texts in humanities and social sciences. Supported by Vladimir Potanin Foundation. – Principal investigator.

2015-2018– Erasmus+ Project “Bridging Innovation, Health and Society: Educational capacity building in Eastern Europe Neighborhood Area” (BIHSENA) – Co-investigator.

2017 – Cross-cultural research experiment «The Marshrutka Video Quest» as a part of «The Mobile Utopia Experiment», November 1-2, 2017, Lancaster, UK. Co-held with Monika Buscher. Supported by CeMoRe Centre, Lancaster University.

2016–2017 – Social Opportunities and Inequalities in Urban Mobility: Sociological Study of Public Transport Infrastructure Transformation in Volgograd. Russian Foundation for the Humanities Project 16-13-34013 а(р) – Principal investigator.

2016 – 2017 – Social Studies of Urban Infrastructures: East / West, North / South. Department Development Partnership Program of EUSP project – Principal investigator.

2015 – 2016 – Urban Studies: Mobilities and Urban Spaces. Department Development Partnership Program of EUSP project. – Principal investigator.

2014-2015 – City, Transport Mediation and Social Justice: Sociological Study of Urban Public Transport in Volgograd. Russian Foundation for the Humanities Project 14-13-34013 а(p) – Principal investigator.

Since January 2021 – Journal of Transport History – a member of the editorial board

2016–2019 – EASST Review – a member of the editorial team

Since 2014 – European Association for Studies of Science and Technology (EASST)

Since 2014 – International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic, and Mobility (T2M)