How did the American economy become the largest in the world and could it lose its leadership?
Pavel Usanov
April 30, 6:30 pm
Common Ground (Baghramyan Sr. 6, Yerevan)
On April 30th, at 6:30 PM, Pavel Usanov, PhD in Economics, will be hosting a public lecture at the Common Ground bookstore-cafe. He will also present his latest book, “American Modernization,” during the event.
In XIX century American economy transformed from a colony of Great Britain into the largest economy in the world. The leadership of the United States in the XX century was result of ideas Founding Fathers of the United States.
What were these ideas and how were they able to create largest economy in the world?
In recent years, leadership of the United States has been called into question, the reasons for this should be sought in ideas and policies that are destroying Western civilization.
Could the US economy, like the Roman Empire, collapse? What kind of problems exist in the American economy? What they need to be done to maintain leadership? You will get answers to all these questions in the lecture.
Pavel Usanov, Director of the Friedrich von Hayek Institute, Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Modernization Studies at the European University in St. Petersburg, Ph.D. He is the author of the books “The Science of Wealth,” “Retrospective of Economic Thought: From Ancient Greece to the Present,” and “The Future of Money: How Free Markets Will Defeat the State.”