Open call for an Auditing course in the Faculty of Anthropology at the European University in St. Petersburg.
Course Title: “Anthropology of migration and transnationalism”
The lecturer of the course is Sergey Abashin, a doctor of historical sciences, a member of the editorial boards of a number of international scientific journals.
The aim of the course is to investigate the main concepts of historiography and provide students with practical skills and methodology of research. Students will study the main approaches of migration research and they will be able to analyze public rhetoric and political practices related to public discussion and regulation of migration. Special attention is paid to transnationalism as one of the most popular theoretical approaches to the study of migration in anthropology in recent decades. The course starts on October 20th, 2022. The course is free of charge. The course lasts 1 semester.
In order to become a student you can: Write about your desire to attend the auditing course to the email address:
Upon completion of the training, students are provided with a certificate.