February — April , 2025

3 months

Political Changes
in Post-Soviet Eurasia

Intensive course

Персональная обратная связь от преподавателя

Бессрочный доступ к методическим материалам

Авторская методика аналитического чтения

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Цель курса – оказать практическую помощь слушателям в работе с концепциями для их собственных исследований путем формирования компетенции аналитического чтения “трудных” текстов и развития организованного теоретического воображения.


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About the Course

The course is focused on the emergence and development of political systems of post-Soviet countries within the context of regime changes and state-building. Starting with the Soviet system and collapse of the Soviet Union as a point of departure, the course traces making and unmaking of major political institutions in these newly established states by examining the impact of various legacies of the past and the role of domestic and international political and economic actors.

Special attention is devoted to patterns of political continuity and changes during the wave of so-called “color revolutions” and their aftermath. We will also discuss recent political developments with regard to the ongoing conflict over Ukraine and the role of Russia.

Who For?

The course is open to those who want to learn how to conduct research in the social and political sciences. We will consider all stages of the research process, from the formulation of a research puzzle to the publication of scholarly articles, discuss the role of theories, hypotheses and data, and talk about formats for presenting the results of research.

Special education in this field is not required to participate in the course.

The course aimed at helping students, scholars, researchers and professors in organizing their research in the field of social and political sciences.


Classes will be held on Fridays from 11:00 to 14:10, on Tuesdays from 18.30 to 21.40 (Yerevan time | GMT+4) in Zoom.

A detailed schedule will be provided upon request.

Studies of Russian and Eurasian politics in East and West. Approaches and theories of political regime dynamics and their applications to Russian and Eurasian politics in a comparative perspective. Models of post-Communist political transformations: democratization, new authoritarianism, or something else?

Key developments and historical evolution in Soviet politics: why and how the Soviet Union has changed. Perestroika and the transformation of Soviet political and economic institutions. August 1991: the failure of reactionary coup and its political outcomes. The breakdown of the Soviet Union and the emergence of the post-Soviet states. Why and how Soviet legacies affect post-Soviet politics.

The problem of “triple transition” after the Soviet Union: hard political choices and their consequences. Russia after the Soviet Union: 1993 clash between President and the parliament, its causes and consequences. Political conflicts in post-Soviet countries: their resolution and non-resolution. Constitution-making in post-Soviet states: constitutionalism and political practice.

Dual executive: institutional framework and political dilemmas of power sharing between presidents and governments in post-Soviet Eurasia. Presidency as a central political institution. Post-Soviet governments:
problems of political accountability, political loyalty, and policy performance. Institutional frameworks and political performance of legislatures in post-Soviet Eurasia: law-making and/or political representation? “No site for discussions”: do parliaments matter in post-Soviet politics?

Key problems of the rule of law and law enforcement in post-Soviet Eurasia: dilemmas of state building. Institutional legacies: courts, prosecutor’s office and other judicial institutions in late-Soviet and post-Soviet period. Policies of judicial reforms: arbitration courts, jury trial, and constitutional courts. Rule by law versus rule of law: police, courts and human rights. Post-Soviet law enforcement agencies and their practices.

The background of post-Soviet electoral reforms. Key elements of electoral system: electoral governance and electoral formula. The politics of electoral authoritarianism in Russia and beyond: institutional changes and their political consequences. Electoral fraud: business as usual? The legacies of Soviet one-party state. The emergence of political movements during perestroika period and the formation of post-Soviet political parties. The dynamics of party systems: impacts of institutions and electoral behavior. Parties in post-Soviet parliaments and outside. “Parties of power”, their satellites, and others.

Введение в UX и STS Что такое продукт? Какие есть исследования пользователей? Кто такие пользователи? На эти простые, но важные вопросы мы ответим на первом занятии, чтобы понять, зачем изучать пользователей, и что будет, если этого не делать. Мы также познакомимся со слушателями и преподавателями курса.

Territorial-state dimension in Soviet politics: legacies of ethnic federalism. Post-Soviet decentralization: market-distorting federalism, bilateral treaties, and building of sub-national fiefdoms. The politics of recentralization: “power vertical” and the rise of principal-agent problems. Varieties of sub-national authoritarianism in post-Soviet countries: issues in regional and local governance.

Workshop 1. Causes and mechanisms of successes and failures of human cooperation at the micro level: Elinor Ostrom, Governing the Commons․

Workshop 2. Effectiveness of government, social capital and civic engagement, or the model and its critique: Robert Putnam, Making Democracy Work․

Workshop 3. How NOT to conduct social and political research, or learning from errors: reflection on research experience: (project “The Comparative Politics of Russia’s Regions”)․

Concepts of political elites of Soviet period. The shift of vertical mobility of political elites in end 1980s – early 1990s. New and old elite groups and transformation of elites in post-Soviet period. From plan to clan in post-Soviet elites: political capitalism, generational changes, and clientelist models. In search of elite unity: “parties of power”, leadership succession, and implicit competition of elites.

Territorial-state dimension in Soviet politics: legacies of ethnic federalism. Post-Soviet decentralization: market-distorting federalism, bilateral treaties, and building of sub-national fiefdoms. The politics of recentralization: “power vertical” and the rise of principal-agent problems. Varieties of sub-national authoritarianism in post-Soviet countries: issues in regional and local governance.

The weakness of post-Soviet competitive authoritarianism: problems of leadership succession and beyond. The wave of regime changes: Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Ukraine: elite conflicts, mass mobilization, and institutional changes. Russia as a “black knight” in post-Soviet Eurasia: conflict with the West over Ukraine and its aftermath. Dilemmas of political changes: democratization, state-building, and elite reconciliation.

The final class will be focused on analysis of political dynamics and prospects of political development in post-Soviet Eurasia in a comparative perspective.

Введение в UX и STS Что такое продукт? Какие есть исследования пользователей? Кто такие пользователи? На эти простые, но важные вопросы мы ответим на первом занятии, чтобы понять, зачем изучать пользователей, и что будет, если этого не делать. Мы также познакомимся со слушателями и преподавателями курса.


Professor at the University of Helsinki and associate researcher at Yerevan Center for International Education (YCIE)

Political scientist Vladimir Gel’man is an author and editor of more than 20 books, author of over 150 scientific articles devoted to the problems of Russian politics from theoretical and comparative perspectives. He’s a winner of book awards of the Russian Association of Political Sciences (2002, 2007, 2013). Short- listed for the Enlightener Prize (2022).

Professor at the University of Helsinki and associate researcher at Yerevan Center for International Education (YCIE).

Political scientist Vladimir Gel’man is an author and editor of more than 20 books, author of over 150 scientific articles devoted to the problems of Russian politics from theoretical and comparative perspectives. He’s a winner of book awards of the Russian Association of Political Sciences (2002, 2007, 2013). Short- listed for the Enlightener Prize (2022).

Отзывы студентов

“Меня зацепило сочетание теории STS и очень практических UX-скиллов: было очень интересно посмотреть, как кадемия сегодня может влиять на индустрию и помогать по-другому взглянуть на знакомые процессы.

Сабина, экс-менеджер по маркетингу в Яндексе, студентка I потока

“Меня зацепило сочетание теории STS и очень практических UX-скиллов: было очень интересно посмотреть, как кадемия сегодня может влиять на индустрию и помогать по-другому взглянуть на знакомые процессы.

Сабина, экс-менеджер по маркетингу в Яндексе, студентка I потока


(~11,500₽, ~120$)


(~6,500₽, ~72$)

*YCIE will award scholarships to the students
with the best motivation letters.


(~20,500₽, ~220$)

*YCIE will host two courses by Vladimir Gel’man in the Spring semester. The other one is titled Methodology and Practice of Social and Political Research.”


12 lectures and seminars, 2 tasks, readings (journal articles and book chapters).

There are two ways you can take part in the course:

  1. Finish all tasks and obtain a Certificate of Completion
  2. Participate as a free listener and obtain an Attendance Certificate.

Have any questions?
Contact us!

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